Championship Information 

Dick Horner Memorial Trial

Parking has moved to the Quarry next to Leyburn’s Recycle centre, DL8 5LA

Please keep an eye on the website as the weather is not looking kind this weekend.

On Sunday we will have a bucket at the trial to raise money for Rio Brown who is Michael Brown’s son. They are going through a very tough time and any help would be very much appreciated.

Entries Close on the 22nd of February @ 18:00

Date of Trial: 23rd of February

Venue: Leyburn, DL8 5LA

Start Time: 10.30

Hard Course-Exp/Int/Nov & Youth A 

Middle Course(50/50)-Adult & Youth Green A & B

Easy Course-Clubman, O40,Twin shock and Pre65, Youth A,B & C.

Conducted Course for Youth Classes D and E.

Please note youth riders aged 16 and over riding machines greater than 125cc must enter an adult class.

Note: This is not a beginners/easy trial.


Harold Graham Memorial Trial Provisional Results, 16.2.2025, ACU permit No 204642

Andy Kearton CM B Winner

Please find attached Provisional results for the Harold Graham Memorial Trial:

Harold Graham Memorial Trial 2025 Conducted Results

Harold Graham Memorial Trial 2025 Main Course Results

Today we donated £400 to the Swaledale Mountain Rescue, which was raised at our land owners dinner in December.  Lawrence Allison todays land owner kindly presented the donation on behalf of Richmond Motor Club.

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the landowners, all the observers, Clerk of the Course and his helpers, Media and anyone else involved in the running of the trial and for giving up their time. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.

Charlottes pictures can be found at CEB Photography on Facebook

Chloe’s pictures can be found here 

Rob’s pictures can be found here 

Thank you.

Any problems please ring Sandra on 01969 624146.



Pease note, unfortunately we have had to change the date due to a clash of events on the same land. The date for this years Mintex Trial is now Saturday the 13th of September (Not the Sunday as previously advertised).

Sandra Fowler

Richmond Motor Club 2025 Presentation

On Friday evening we had our annual RMC presentation at the Wensleydale Rugby Club.

We had a balance bike competition, kindly sponsored by A G Bikes and a quiz kindly provided by Charlotte Brown.

We also held a raffle and an auction with the proceeds going to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, which raised £570. Thank you to everyone that donated prizes.

Thankyou Neil Sturgeon for taking photos of the evening which can be found on facebook.

RMC would like to thank everyone that made the night a success, and all the winners and observers for coming and supporting the event.

Thankyou to the Wensleydale Rugby Club for allowing us to use the venue, Jacki Marwood and team for our lovely food and to every one for coming along and celebrating our award winners.