Andrew Allison Memorial Trial – Provisional Results – UPDATED

UPDATED results – technology in Cornwall wasn’t quite as good as we thought, section 15 didn’t arrive but has now been added.  Thanks to Pete Hill the observer on section 15 for spotting the omission!  Very little has changed, with the overall winner remaining the same.

Updated Results:  Andrew Allison Memorial Trial 2018 – Provisional Results – Updated

With a bit of ingenuity today between on the field secretary Charlotte Brown scanning all the entry sheets and observer cards and sending them to Chris in Cornwall we have managed to get the provisional results for today’s Andrew Allison Memorial Trial done

These results are provisional – contact Chris Wallis in Cornwall! on 07703222147 for any queries.

Thank You’s

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.

Future Events:

RICHARDSON TROPHY TRIAL (Skeeby) – Sunday 2nd September 2018 (110.30 am start) – Easy Clubman/Youth/Small Course.

GE BROWN TROPY TRIAL – CENTRE CHAMPIONSHIP (Low Row) –  SUNDAY 16th September 2018 (10.30 am start) – 3Courses – Championship/Clubman A and Clubman B

Andrew Allison Memorial Trial – Sunday 12th August 2018 – 10.30 am


Andrew Allison Memorial Trial re-arranged from March – Sunday 12th August 2018, DL11 7EG.  There will be 3 courses Hard, Green and Clubman with competent C Class and above youth riders as well as adults.  This trial’s results will go towards the RMC Championship awards and there will be the Andrew Allison Trophy awarded for the Best Performance on the Clubman Course by a rider who has never competed in a higher course & the Noel Peacock Trophy for the Best Performance on the Hard Course.  Start time is 10.30am and there will be catering at the start field.  Entries close on the day but if you want to get an entry form filled in before hand you can download one here:   Entry Form – Andrew Allison Memorial Trial 2018 re-run


Yorkshire Centre Team Trial

RMC Team Manager, Matt Maynard would like to say a big thank you to the Richmond Motor Club Teams for turning out in such wet weather for the Yorkshire Centre Team Trial yesterday at Skyrakes, near Skipton.  All three teams had a great day with good results all round and all riders finishing.   Many thanks to West Leeds for organising and running the event.  Congratulations to all those taking part.  Full results are on the West Leeds website.

August RMC Trial Dates

August Trial Dates are as follows:

Carlton Easy Clubman and Youth Trial – Sunday 5th August 2018 – Easy Clubman & Youth Trial.  Classes for CM/O40/TS/All Youth and Small Course.  Good for beginners.  DL8 4BA.  10.30 am start.  Catering available at the start field.

Andrew Allison Memorial Trial re-arranged from March – Sunday 12th August 2018, DL11 7EG.  There will be 3 courses Hard, Green and Clubman with competent C Class and above youth riders as well as adults.  This trial’s results will go towards the RMC Championship awards and there will be the Andrew Allison Trophy awarded for the Best Performance on the Clubman Course by a rider who has never competed in a higher course & the Noel Peacock Trophy for the Best Performance on the Hard Course.  Start time is 10.30am and there will be catering at the start field.  Entries close on the day but if you want to get an entry form filled in before hand you can download one here:   Entry Form – Andrew Allison Memorial Trial 2018 re-run

If you are able to observe either with or without a bike please email

SCOTT TRIAL 2018 – Entries now OPEN

Entries for this year’s Scott Trial to be held Saturday 13th October 2018 are now open.

Entry Form’s and Reg’s are available to download here:  Scott Trial 2018 -Regs     Scott Trial 2018 Entry Form

Please read the Reg’s carefully before filling in your entry form to make sure that you enter for all the correct awards.

Entries are on a first come first served basis and close on Friday 2nd September 2018 with a limit of 200 riders, so get your entry forms in as soon as possible to guarantee your place.

To start the Scott Trial fever rolling, Colin Bullock has kindly made us a 10 minute clip from 25 years ago at the 1993 Scott Trial.  Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for further clips from previous trials.