Reeth 3 Day – Cancellation – further information

Following on from the sad decision to cancel this year’s Reeth 3 Day trial the committee have decided that riders on the entry list as of Wednesday morning – 4th July 2018  – will all have a guaranteed entry in the 2019 Reeth 3 Day with a provisional date of 19th, 20th & 21st July 2019 and will not have to go through next year’s ballot. We will hold the £90 entry fee from this year to pay for your ride.  If you do not wish to take up this offer, we are of course happy to fully refund your £90 and take you off the list.  Those on the current waiting list will have first chance of these released places, in waiting list order.  If there are still places available after this we will open entries again next year to fill the final spaces.

The list showing the riders is available to download here:  Reeth 3 Day 2018 – Entries as at 4th July 2018 – Cancellation List

Many of you will have made travel and accommodation arrangements for this year’s Reeth 3 Day and if you need an official cancellation letter to help with refunds/insurance claims etc we are happy to do this.

We will be emailing riders individually over the next few days and ask that you please look out for the email (check your spam folder) and then reply with your decision.  If you don’t receive an email please let us know by emailing

Everyone here at Richmond Motor Club are really disappointed that we had to cancel, but hope that you fully understand our position.

Reeth 3 Day –

Just a quick post to say that we will be doing the draw for numbers in the next couple of days so anyone needing to withdraw please let us know asap as it makes it much easier for us to fit in those on the waiting list before rather than after the draw.  A full rider refund of £90 will be given before the draw takes place.

Mintex 2018 – Provisional Results

Ryan Brown – 2018 Mintex Winner. Photo Credit Charlotte Brown

The 2018 Mintex has been another great success with a record 54 riders setting off and 45 making it back within the time limit.

Well done to all those taking part this year we really hope you enjoyed your day.

To organise this Youth Time and Observation Trial (our own mini-Scott), Richmond Motor Club had 84 signed on officials for the day and we absolutely couldn’t do it without all of this help.  The ratio of officials to riders is pretty high and we thank each and every one of them.  We would also like to thank the landowners, farmers and gamekeepers for allowing us to use the land, your continued support is very much appreciated.

The results can be downloaded here:

Mintes 2018 Awards Sheet        Mintex Section by Section Analysis 2018       Mintex Times 2018

Mintex Trophies – Reminder

Just a quick reminder to everyone coming to the Mintex on Sunday and has a trophy from last year.  Please don’t forget to bring them with you!  Looking forward to seeing you all.   Fingers crossed for some fine weather.