2017 Black Tie Ball and Presentation Evening – tickets now on sale!

Tickets are now available for this year’s Black Tie Ball & Presentation which will once again include our Farmers Dinner (Invitations to our much appreciated Farmers & Landowners are in the post!)

In previous years the club have subsidised the on sale dinner tickets, but sadly are not in a position to do so this year and, therefore, the tickets will be at full price of £50 each which is still great value as these will include:

  • Welcome glass of fizz,
  • Dinner of:  Confit Duck & Cranberry Terrine,  Roast Beef & Yorkshire Puddings, White Chocolate & Vanilla Crème Brule followed by Coffee & Petit Fours
  • Bottles of wine on each table.
  • RMC Annual Adult Presentation of Awards
  • Dancing until 1 am.

Tickets can be booked in tables of 10, 8 or individually.  Please fill in and return this form  2017 Dinner Dance Flyer with your payment to avoid disappointment for what will be a great evening to celebrate another year of Richmond Motor Club Trials and thank our Landowners, Farmers and Gamekeepers for their continued support.

GE Brown Centre Championship Trial Provisional Results

Todays Start Field – Photo Credit Charlotte Brown

The Weather managed to hold out for today’s Centre Championship Trial in the heart of Swaledale.  2 Laps of 20 sections made for a great days sport.  The provisional results are available to download here:  GE Brown 2017 Centre Championship Provisional Results

As always Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowners, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial.  Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.

Future Events : 

Scott Trial – (Marske) – Saturday 21st October 2017 – programmes available shortly at the usual outlets

Hardstyles Easy Clubman Youth Trial (Marske) – Sunday 29th October 2017 – Easy Clubman/Youth/Small Course – 10.30am Start

Eric Ridley (Hurst) – Sunday 19th November 2017 – Adults/Green/Clubman/A Class – 10.30am Start

Scott Trial Trophies

This is a call for anyone with Scott Trial Trophies to please return them ready for engraving for this year’s trial.  A good opportunity would be on Sunday at the GE Brown Trophy Trial at Low Row, when you can hand  them into the secretary Ros Brown.

GE Brown Centre Trial, Scott Trial & RMC Dinner Dance Updates

GE Brown Centre Trial Start Field

Next Sunday (17th September) sees the GE Brown & Son Trophy Yorks Centre Trial in beautiful Swaledale, starting at 10.30am at The Old Mill, Low Row, Richmond, N Yorks.  DL11 6NH.    Secretary of the Trial : Ros Brown Tel: 01748 886356

This is another iconic RMC trial, and great practice for all you Scott entrants out there!  Pre entry OR on the day.  Refreshments available at the start.

Course will consist of 2 laps of 20 sections (weather dependent to be confirmed on the day of the trial)  Championship  Course – Adult : Expert, Intermediate, Novice.   Youth : A Class.   Clubman A Course – Adult : 045 Expert, 045 Intermediate, Novice.     Youth : B Class.   Clubman B Course – Adult :  Novice        None competitive – participants may ride other courses on a non competitive basis       Please note there will be no Youth C Class, as the venue is not suitable .

Download your entry forms here:  GE Brown 2017 Centre Championship Regs     GE Brown 2017 Centre Championship Entry Form

Scott Trial Update:  Even though entries have officially closed and we have over 190 entries to date, we still have space for a few more last minute entries, so get yours sent in asap if you want to be included in the programme.

2017 RMC Dinner and Presentation Evening – 2nd December 2017 at Tennants, Leyburn.  Keep the date free – more details to follow this week.  This event promises to be a fantastic evening to celebrate a great 2017.



Scott Trial 2017- Press Release

This year’s Scott Trial is fast approaching, so all you riders who fancy riding the famous course  and sections alongside current and past World, European and British champions, get your entries filled in and sent before the closing date of 8th September 2017. The new Scott secretary Ken Wallis scottsecretary@richmondmotorclub.com is busy getting all the land permissions in place while taking the entries and attending to all the other paperwork which goes with the running of this famous trial. The Clerk of the Course Paul Robinson, with his assistants has already been plotting the route which promises to have more new sections on new routes as well as keeping the traditional sections for both riders and spectators.

So remember the first 200 entries are guaranteed a ride, don’t be like those 31 riders from last year who left it too late and had their fingers crossed for 6 weeks. Entries available to download here :  Scott Trial 2017 -Regs     Scott Trial 2017 Entry Form