Reeth 3 Day 2017 – Results

James Stones 2017 Reeth 3 Day Winner – photo courtesy of Charlotte Brown

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank all those involved in the running of this years Reeth 3 Day Championship Trial. A great weekend of trialing was had by all, starting off on Friday with sections around the Hurst area with the Riders carvery event in the evening.  Our thanks go to Lindsey, Martin and all their team for another great meal, it takes a very special organisation to provide a hot carvery for 350+ people in a marquee in a field!  This was their last 3 day providing the catering for us as their work load increases else where. The weather this year played a big part with torrential rain on Saturday, but the trial went on with 35 sections around Arkengarthdale.  Sunday brought a better day weather wise with 30 sections around Swaledale.

We would like to thank all the landowners, tenant farmers, gamekeepers, observers & sponsors without whom, as always, the trial could not run.  Also the 3 Day Team (too numerous to mention) including the Clerks of the Course and their assistants, for all working so hard to make the weekend run smoothly.  Many thanks as well to all the riders for entering, taking part and making the journey from near and far and battling the elements on Saturday.

Finally many congratulations to James Stones on winning the Cliff Addison Trophy, Philip Alderson on winning the Green Course and Anthony Stephen for winning the Clubman Course.

Provisional Results can be downloaded here:  Reeth 3 Day 2017 – Provisional Final Results

Reeth 3 Day Awards Sheet:  Reeth Three Day Awards 2017

Reeth 3 Day – Friday Provisional Results

Here are the provisional results for Friday – rider order and course order for those of you who can’t make it to the start field.  After torrential rain this morning, the sun is now out and we await the remainder of the observer cards and will put up Saturday’s results as soon as we can.  Many thanks to everyone (observers, riders, organisers etc etc) for keeping going today under difficult circumstances.  Lets hope tomorrows weather is a little kinder!

Friday Course Order Scores           Friday Rider Order Scores



Scott Trial 2017 Entries – NOW OPEN!!

Entries for this year’s Scott Trial to be held Saturday 21st October 2017 are now open.

Entry Form’s and Reg’s are available to download here:  Scott Trial 2017 -Regs    Scott Trial 2017 Entry Form

Please read the Reg’s carefully before filling in your entry form to make sure that you enter for all the correct awards.

Entries are on a first come first served basis and close on Friday 8th September 2017 with a limit of 200 riders, so get your entry forms in as soon as possible to guarantee your place..

Reeth 3 Day Rider update and contact number over the Weekend.

Latest & hopefully the last updated rider list is here:  Reeth 3 Day 2017 Latest Updated Rider List – Start Times and Numbers   Please could all those who have been given rides over the last week or so CHECK your number and start times as they may have changed from the provisional number we gave you verbally.

From 7.30am on Friday 21st July, the only way to contact the organisers to let us know if you have any problems will be on the RMC mobile phone.  Please use this number over the weekend.


Have a great weekend everyone.