July 20th – 3 Day Rider Updates

Logo 2Another updated list for those on the Waiting List.  3 more riders have a ride and everyone has moved up about 5 places.  Riders who have been allocated a place please check your number and start times on the list and read the final instructions.  Thanks to everyone for keeping us updated.

Rider List and Start Times – 20th July 2016                      Reeth 3 Day Final Instructions 2016


Reeth 3 Day – Rider Updates

Logo 2We have had another couple of riders drop out yesterday and a couple off the waiting list, which means that 2 people have a ride and everyone else has moved up 4 places on the waiting list!

Rider List and Start Times – 19th July 2016

If you are on the waiting list and don’t now wish to ride could you please let us know by emailing:-  reeth3day@richmondmotorclub.com

Reeth 3 Day 2016 – Updates

Logo 2With just over a week to go to this years trial, please find an updated rider list below.  We have had one or 2 drop outs so the waiting list is now updated too.

Three Day Rider Numbers and Start Times 2016 – updated 13th July 2016

Don’t forget to read the final instructions for all the information you need to enjoy the weekend.

Reeth 3 Day Final Instructions 2016

See you all on the 22nd!

Easy Clubman & Youth Trial – Applegarth – Saturday 9th July 2016

RMC logo Gold

Next Saturday 9th July sees our next Easy Clubman and Youth Trial.

It will be held at Applegarth, Nr Marske, DL11 7LS.  Adult Clubman/O40/TS and all Youth Classes.

Start time 1 pm.  Catering available at start.  Entries close on day.

You can download the regs and entry form here ready to enter on the day:

Supplementary Regs – Applegarth Summer 2016                       Applegarth Summer 2016 Entry Form

REMINDER: All Youths, must have their arm’s covered at all times (LONG SLEEVES)

                         All Youths, must have a lanyard fitted and worn at all times

                         NO Riding around before or after the event

                          Dog’s must be kept on a lead at all times