Richmond Motor Club Easter Weekend Trials


As always Easter Weekend is a busy time for RMC, with 2  trials being held in Swaledale & Coverdale.  Information below

* Good Friday (25th March 2016) – Sid Morton Memorial Trial – Fremington Edge, Nr Reeth, DL11 6AU.  Classes for Adults/Green/Clubman and A Class only.  10.30 am start, THERE IS NO CATERING AT THIS EVENT.

Entry Form and Regs available to download here:    Supplementary Regulations – Sid Morton 2016      Entry Form – Sid Morton 2016

* Easter Monday (28th March 2016) – Easy Clubman and Youth Trial – Hindlethwaite near Horse House, Coverdale, DL8 4TS.  Classes for Clubman/All Youth and Small Course.  10.30 am start.   Catering available at the start field.

Entry Form available to download here:   Entry Form – Hindlethwaite Easter Monday Trial 2016

Andrew Allison Memorial Trial – Provisional Results

Start Field
Photo Credit – Charlotte Brown

Another great Richmond Motor Club Trial today, this time in Swaledale.  Today’s UPDATED (just a couple of class changes, no change of scores) provisional results for the Andrew Allison Memorial Trial are available to download here.

Andrew Allison Memorial Trial 2016 – Provisional Results

Thank You’s :   Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.




March Trials  

25th March 2016 (Good Friday)- Sid Morton Memorial Trial (Fremington Edge) Adult/Green/CM/O40/TS/A – 10.30am start.

29th March 2016 (Easter Monday) – Easy Clubman/Youth Trial (Hindlethwaite, Carlton, Coverdale DL8 4TS) Clubman/040/TS/Youth/Small Course.  10.30am start.


10TH April 2016Albert Shaw (re-run of cancelled Boxing Day Trial)- NEW VENUE – Bridge End, Shaw Farm, Arkengarthdale,  DL11 6HB.  Adults/Green/CM/Youth/Small Course.  Non Championship Points event as usual.

Saturday 30th April 2016 – Crabtree Fundraising Trial (Gilling West) – Easy Clubman/Youth Trial run by Izzy Rickaby and Niamh Clement in aid of their Peru Camp International Trip –  1pm Start.

Andrew Allison Memorial Trial – Sunday 13th March 2016

RMC logo GoldSunday 13th March will see the Andrew Allison Memorial Trial running at the usual venue – Helwith, Marske .  There will be classes for Adult, Green, Clubman, and Youth A, B & COMPETENT C.  The start time is 10.30 am and there will be catering available at the start.  There will be 2 laps of 15 sections and observers with and without bikes will be very welcome – especially with bikes.  Please contact Nick or Andrew Brown is you can observe.

The Andrew Allison Trophy will be awarded to the best performance by a Clubman Rider on the Clubman Course, who has never competed on a higher course.  The Noel Peacock trophy will go to the best performance by a Hard Course Rider (newly presented at this trial as we are not holding a Noel Peacock Trial) The Points in all ADULT classes will go towards the Richmond Motor Club Championship.

Regs and entry forms are available to download here:  Supplementary Regs – Andrew Allison Memorial Trial 2016    Entry Form – Andrew Allison Memorial Trial 2016

Don’t Forget that Reeth 3 Day Entries close on the 1st April 2016, after which the ballot will be held.

Dick Horner Memorial Trial 2016 – Provisional Results

Trial StartA great days trialing in Wensleydale at a start field with a view!  Today’s provisional results for the Dick Horner Memorial Trial are available to download here.

Dick Horner Memorial Trial 2016 – Provisional Results

Thank You’s :   Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.

Future Events

– Andrew Allison Memorial Trial (Marske) – Sunday 13th March 2016 (10.30am start) Adult/Green/CM/O40/TS/ABC Classes.

– Sid Morton Memorial Trial (Fremington Edge) – Good Friday 25th March 2016 (10.30) Adult/Green/CM/O40/TS/A

– Easter Monday 29th March 2016 – Easy Clubman/Youth Trial (Venue TBC) Clubman/040/TS/Youth/Small Course

Dick Horner Trophy Trial – Sunday 28th February 2016

Dick Horner TrophyThis Sunday sees the Dick Horner Trophy Trial running at a new venue just outside Wensley on the Redmire Road,  DL8 4HP and will flagged from Wensley.  There will be classes for Green, Clubman, Twinshock and all Youth Classes.  The C class will run on the main course but with easy outs and will be an enjoyable ride out this week!  There will be a small course for D and E classes.  The weather forecast is for a dry day, and start time is 10.30 am and there will be catering available at the start.  This is all set to be a really good family trial.

The Dick Horner Trophy will be awarded to the best performance by a Clubman Rider on the Clubman Course, who has not previously won this trophy and has never competed on a higher course.  Points in all classes will go towards the Richmond Motor Club Championship.

Regs and entry forms are available to download here:  Supplementary Regs – Dick Horner 2016         Entry Form – Dick Horner 2016