This email has been sent to all Centres, Affiliated Clubs and Promoters

Dear All
With the sports governing body – the ACU, now organising the British round of the World Championship near Bradford on the weekend of July 8th and 9th the Federation are delighted to announce that free admission will be given to all ACU Licence holders – both competitors and Officials – at the entrance if they show their membership card.

Since agreeing to run the event approximately two weeks ago much work has gone on behind the scenes to ensure the Trial stays in the original venue which is a mecca for all off road fans with easy access to all the fifteen sections and ACU Directors have been keen to ensure all members have the opportunity to watch this event first hand at minimal cost.  The action takes place over two days with the Practice session starting at 11am on the Saturday followed by the new concept timed qualifying session at 3pm which has been the highlight of the previous four events to date this year. In addition, about sixty riders of the future will compete in the morning Oset Trial on a separate pocket hanker chief course within the confines of the Trial area.

Of course, the big day is Sunday when all of the world’s top riders, including the unique Toni Bou, will demonstrate their skills over fifteen spectacular sections from 9am onwards with an early finish time of around 3pm. The course has been designed for all spectators to be able to visit all sections with a dedicated path away from the Trial route for ease and safety.

ACU Chairman John Collins stated, “It is rewarding for the Directors, who have considered many options ahead of this decision, to be in a position where our members can reap some benefits and receive the opportunity to see all of the world’s best riders in action at no cost to themselves. The system is simple, members will just need to show their photographic membership card at the point of entry and they will be allowed in free of charge whilst non- members will have to pay the normal admission prices”.

Members who wish to camp will need to pay the standard camping fee but an informative glossy programme will be given free to all who attend.  All ACU licence holders who have already purchased advance tickets will be refunded after the event but the ACU respectfully ask that members be patient as this has to be done methodically.

Full details of the event can be found on the official Trial GP website.

Kind regards


Gary Thompson MBE BEM

General Secretary



Just a reminder that there are still some places available for Richmond Motor Club’s popular Youth Training School 26th & 27th July 2017 – Cogden Hall, Grinton

Don’t miss out!  Download and send in your application NOW!   Application for Youth Training School 2017

Training School Invite 2017

Training-School 2016


The Late Steve Bradley

Annette, Dan and Joe Bradley together with the whole family thank everyone for attending Steve’s funeral last Thursday, 18th May and for going back to the Rugby Club for a Celebration of Steve’s Life.  The support everyone has given has been overwhelming and they are very grateful.  Annette is delighted to tell you that the fantastic sum of £1,140.00 was raised in Steve’s memory and this is to be split equally between The Yorkshire Air Ambulance and The ACU Benevolent Fund.  Thank you from The Bradley Family.


Just a reminder that the list of Richmond Motor Club 2017 events is now available to download from the website    Richmond Motor Club Provisional Dates 2017
and we are planning to have a good full year of trialing, business as usual!  Thank you to everyone who has given help and support to Richmond Motor Club during our recent troubles.

Entries for the ever popular Reeth 3 Day Trial will be launched at The Harold Graham Trial on 19th February – watch the RMC website and social media for details.

Some of the recent trials reports were delayed going into the D & S Times, due to a changeover of Sports Editor, however Barry Robinson has informed us that he has spoken with the new Sports Editor and things are now back on track.

Club and ACU Membership Renewals – If you haven’t already, please remember that you need to renew your annual Club membership and ACU membership now RMC Membership Form 2017

Clerk of Course Licence Renewals – any C of C whose licence has expired and you have not had contact with Ros Brown regarding attending a seminar, please email

Future Events (full details of these events are on the RMC Website):

 Albert Shaw Trophy Trial (re-run)(Copperthwaite, Hurst Road) – Sunday 29th January 2017 (10.30 start)– All Classes

Harold Graham Trophy Trial(Cogden-Grinton) – Sunday 19th February 2017 (10.30 start) – All Classes

Dick Horner Memorial Trial (Wensley) – Sunday 26th February 2017 (10.30 start) – Green/CM/Youth/Small Course




Unfortunately tomorrow’s Boxing Day Albert Shaw Trial has been cancelled, due to very wet ground conditions after the past few days’ stormy weather.  Apologies for the short notice – we have been holding out, but after today’s and this evening’s continuous wet weather & high winds, the conditions are going to make the trial very slippy and difficult, as well as the start field areas, therefore a decision to cancel has been made.

We hope to rearrange the trial as soon as we can, so please watch the website and social media pages.

Please share this information.

Wishing you all a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS!