Boxing Day Trial – Entries still available

Just a quick reminder that the boxing day trial online entries close on the 20th December and there are places still available.

The trial is on Saturday 26th December 2020, starting at Tongue Hill Hurst – DL11 7NW and riders need to be members of Richmond Motor Club (only £10 and this covers you to ride our trials for the full year) which you can do on the ACU website at the same time as entering.

There will be 3 Courses, Hard, Green and Clubman with 2 big laps of approx 14 Sections.  This will be a stand alone trial and not part of the Championship and will be suitable for competent C Class and above.  No riders from Tier 3 will be able to enter and we are sorry that there will be no small wheel course due to the COVID restrictions.  Entries will be by ACU online only and limited to 80.  NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY.  Please make sure you read the supplementary regs and additional information.  Boxing Day Trial – Supplementary Regs and COVID Restrictions   You will be notified by email if your entry is successful (nearer to the day) so please make sure that you fill in all your details carefully.

A link to the ACU website for online entry is here:  Trials by Richmond Motor Club Ltd at Tounge Hill Hurst.Nr. Reeth DL11 7NW – Saturday 26th December 2020 (

There will be NO CATERING available on the day so don’t forget your Turkey Sandwiches!!  Christmas Jumpers most welcome.

Richmond Motor Club Boxing Day Trial

Happy Christmas from RMC

Richmond Motor Club would like announce that they are running a COVID secure Boxing Day Trial on Saturday 26th December 2020, starting at Tongue Hill Hurst – DL11 7NW.

There will be 3 Courses, Hard, Green and Clubman with 2 big laps of approx 14 Sections.  This will be a stand alone trial and not part of the Championship and will be suitable for competent C Class and above.  No riders from Tier 3 will be able to enter and we are sorry that there will be no small wheel course due to the COVID restictions.  Entries will be by ACU online onlynand limited to 80.  NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY.  Please make sure you read the supplementary regs and additional information.  Boxing Day Trial – Supplementary Regs and COVID Restrictions   You will be notified by email if your entry is successful (nearer to the day) so please make sure that you fill in all your details carefully.

A link to the ACU website for online entry is here:  Trials by Richmond Motor Club Ltd at Tounge Hill Hurst.Nr. Reeth DL11 7NW – Saturday 26th December 2020 (

There will be NO CATERING available on the day so don’t forget your Turkey Sandwiches!!  Christmas Jumpers most welcome.

Don’t forget membership is now due and if you are carrying over from last year you still need to apply and get your new ACU code.  RMC Membership Form 2021

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our members and friends for your continued support over what has been a very difficult year for everyone, this is our first and last trial of the 2020 season but we hope if this runs safely and securely that we will be able to run more in 2021.

We would like to wish everyone a Very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Heathy 2021.



14th October 2020 – Statement from the Chairman

RMC statement

Many thanks to all our members for their ongoing patience. It has been, and still is a difficult and unusual time that we are all facing with the ongoing COVID pandemic. Trying to find a balance between ensuring safety and living our lives is not easy.

Following a recent meeting of the committee, RMC has reached the decision that sadly we will not be running any trials for the remainder of 2020, given the current worsening situation.

We are however, making the most of the next few weeks and putting together plans for next year’s calendar and looking at the format of how future trials will run, in order that we comply with the guidelines in place- the details of which will be thrashed out in the coming weeks.

We do appreciate there will be people who say that other clubs are running trials (even in “our backyard.”). We however have taken the difficult decision that RMC must act responsibly and not invite people into, what is at the moment, a relatively unaffected area. We all have a responsibility to limit the spread of this disease and one way to do this is by limiting unnecessary gatherings and travel.

Please keep checking the website for developments and plans for the future events. We value your continued support and our hope is that by behaving responsibly now, we can ensure the future of trials in our area. We sincerely hope that this will be sooner rather than later.


The youth presentation date this year is Sunday the 15th of December

To be held at Richmond Cricket Club

Start Time to be confirmed (around 4.30pm)

more details to follow

If any one would like to run this event or help run it please contact Sandra Fowler Tel:01969 624146

UPDATE:Richardson Trophy Trial 7.9.2019 ACU: 56901

This Saturday is our Richardson Trophy Trial, to be held at:

Underbanks, Marrick, Nr Richmond, DL11 7LD

PLEASE NOTE START TIME: as there have been one or two different times advertised: 12.30 Start

Courses: AHNC/YHNC, CM/O40/TS/A/B/C, DH/BE/O50, conducted small course D/E


Catering will be available

Please find attached entry form which will also be available on the day: Richardson Trophy Trial at Underbanks 2019

If you are able to observe please contact Andrew Swainston on: 07762311210