Centenary Scott Charity Team – Bids for final place

Would you like to join the 2014 Centenary Scott Trial Charity Team?</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>AG Bikes have very kindly loaned us an immaculately restored Fantic 240 to ride from Clapgate (the last section) to the finish line, joining the rest of the team. Yrjo Vesterinen, Trevor Willans, Glen Scholey, Joe Buckworth and Mark Willis.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>This ride will go to the highest bidder via a silent auction.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Final details will be available soon via the Richmond Motor Club website, the trials press, facebook etc.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Please share, the winning bid will go to a Scott Trial Charity.

Barrier Energy / Northern Distribution Charity Team 

Would you like to join the 2014 Centenary Scott Trial Charity Team?

AG Bikes have very kindly loaned us an immaculately restored Fantic 240 to ride from Clapgate (the last section) to the finish line, joining the rest of the team. Yrjo Vesterinen, Trevor Willans, Glen Scholey, Joe Buckworth and Mark Willis.

This ride will go to the highest bidder via a silent auction, please email your contact details and bid to chris.wallis@richmondmotorclub.com or ring Chris on 01748825844. The winning bidder will be contacted on Thursday 16th October 2014, so have your riding gear ready, or buy the ride for someone else!!

If you would like to donate online go to the Teams JustGiving page https://www.justgiving.com/centenaryscotttrialcharityteam203

You can also donate by texting the unique code CSCT99£10 to 70070 (the £10 can be replaced by £1, £2, £3, £4 or £5 as required)

Centenary Scott Updates

Scott Centenary Logo - no red circleWith just over 2 weeks to go to this years Scott Trial,  a couple of riders have had to pull their rides, which means we have some spaces for anyone wishing they had entered!  Just give secretary Chris Wallis a call on 01748825844.




Exciting information for spectators this year we have an entry from a charity team with one of the riders being Yrjo Vesterinen! Definitely one to watch.

We also have a marquee on the start field which will have IMG_9629copies of all the programmes ever produced since the first one appeared in 1920.  They are a fascinating history of the trial and make great reading so come along to the start field at some point during the day to take a look at them.

Barry Robinson has also very kindly agreed to lend us his photo’s of riders in the Scott, and these will be on display as well.

We will also have examples of Trials Bikes from each decade of the Scott’s History – watch this space for more details during the coming weeks.

All in all it is set to be an exciting day of Trialing and Trials History.

Centenary Scott Trial Programmes

Programme CoverHere is a very special preview of the much awaited Centenary Scott Trial Programme, which this year is a full colour edition.  Editor Julia Robinson has been working hard to produce this great programme which will be a real collectors item and essential for your viewing on the day.

Programmes will be available exclusively at the Scott Trial Centenary Dinner on 3rd October and then from the usual outlets from the 4th and 5th – Richmond Petrol Stations, Richmond Garage Services, The Food Weighhouse, Cross Lanes Stores, Smith and Allan in Darlington, Piercebridge Farm Shop, and the usual Reeth outlets for £5. You can also order now by emailing Julia at scotttrial100@gmail.com (£6.50 including postage).

As always all profits will go to The Scott Charities.

Scott Rider Numbers

Scott Centenary Logo - no red circleScott Rider Numbers and Final Instructions have been emailed out to all riders tonight.  Please keep a look out in your inbox!  With only 31/2 weeks to go we hope all the training is going to plan.

Keep an eye on the website over the coming weeks for updates on the exciting centenary celebrations and special displays on the start field.  The Centenary Programme will be out early October – watch this space!

The GE Brown & Sons Centre Championship – Provisional Results

The Provisional Results to the GE Brown & Sons Centre Championship Trial are available to download here:  GE Brown Trophy Trial 2014

Many thanks to the Landowners, Clerk of the Course & helpers, Observers and everyone who helped out today.

Link to Jack Knoops photos:  http://www3.snapfish.co.uk/snapfishuk/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=22035384011/a=1600269011_1600269011/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=snapfishuk/