Mintex 2013 Results June 23rd 2013 ACU Permit 38188

Mintex 2013 Winner Jack Price

Results Mintex 13       AWARDS LIST FOR THE TRIAL 2013      Section analysis

Today was a fantastic unique event for British Youth Riders, who have which, have come out in force to support this trial. Thank you to you the riders for showing endeavour, determination and enthusiasm.

Thank you to our landowners for allowing us access to some treasured land.

Thank you to all our sponsors for their kind support, which allows us to continue to run this event.

Thank you to the Clerk of the Course and his wonderful team, marshals, observers and assistants, a brilliant job done by all.

A special Thank you to the Results Team, Chris Wallis, Julie Clement, Rhona Peacock and Rachael Watling for your support, our awards secretaries, Carol Richardson and Cath Hillary, who together co-ordinate the final results and awards wonderfully.

Finally a Thank you to the ACU and Yorkshire Centre Steward for attending today’s event.


Reeth Three Day 2013 ****Important Information****

Final Instructions will be sent out in the next week – NON STARTERS Please notify the secretary as soon as possible as there are riders on the reserve list. Once you have received Final Instructions, your entry fee will only be refunded if we are able to fill your place and a £20 admin fee will be deducted. Please note that your cheque will be presented to the bank in the next week. Please make sure there are funds available to clear the cheque, as any returned cheques will incur a surcharge of £12.