SCOTT TRIAL 2018 – Entries now OPEN

Entries for this year’s Scott Trial to be held Saturday 13th October 2018 are now open.

Entry Form’s and Reg’s are available to download here:  Scott Trial 2018 -Regs     Scott Trial 2018 Entry Form

Please read the Reg’s carefully before filling in your entry form to make sure that you enter for all the correct awards.

Entries are on a first come first served basis and close on Friday 2nd September 2018 with a limit of 200 riders, so get your entry forms in as soon as possible to guarantee your place.

To start the Scott Trial fever rolling, Colin Bullock has kindly made us a 10 minute clip from 25 years ago at the 1993 Scott Trial.  Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for further clips from previous trials.



Paul Lundberg’s bike has been stolen from Arkengarthdale sometime between Tuesday 9pm and Thursday afternoon. The bike is a 2015 Sherco 300, blue frame.
Frame number VNBS5730TRFA028977   ENGINE NO. SH30028977
If anyone has seen suspicious vehicles in the local area around those times or comes across the bike, please let get in touch.
Also please be extra vigilant with your own bikes.

Applegarth Provisional Results 8.7.2018 ACU: 53745

Provisional Results for todays trial can be downloaded here:Applegarth 2018

Thank You’s

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner’s, Observers, Caterers, Clerk of the Course and helpers.  Thank you to Dave and Paul Astwood for sorting the conducted course, Secretary and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part today

Reeth 3 Day – Cancellation – further information

Following on from the sad decision to cancel this year’s Reeth 3 Day trial the committee have decided that riders on the entry list as of Wednesday morning – 4th July 2018  – will all have a guaranteed entry in the 2019 Reeth 3 Day with a provisional date of 19th, 20th & 21st July 2019 and will not have to go through next year’s ballot. We will hold the £90 entry fee from this year to pay for your ride.  If you do not wish to take up this offer, we are of course happy to fully refund your £90 and take you off the list.  Those on the current waiting list will have first chance of these released places, in waiting list order.  If there are still places available after this we will open entries again next year to fill the final spaces.

The list showing the riders is available to download here:  Reeth 3 Day 2018 – Entries as at 4th July 2018 – Cancellation List

Many of you will have made travel and accommodation arrangements for this year’s Reeth 3 Day and if you need an official cancellation letter to help with refunds/insurance claims etc we are happy to do this.

We will be emailing riders individually over the next few days and ask that you please look out for the email (check your spam folder) and then reply with your decision.  If you don’t receive an email please let us know by emailing

Everyone here at Richmond Motor Club are really disappointed that we had to cancel, but hope that you fully understand our position.


It is with regret that Richmond Motor Club and The Reeth 3 Day Clerk of Course have taken the decision to cancel this year’s trial, due to the real risk of fire on the moorlands following weeks of dry weather, which is forecast to continue leading up to the trial.

We have seen the devastating effect of the fires on Saddleworth Moor and moorlands in other areas. Richmond Motor Club have not taken this decision lightly, as much time and work has already been undertaken by our dedicated team of Clerks of Course, Secretaries and helpers, however as a responsible club, we feel that we cannot put our local moorlands and farmland at risk, nor put the custodians of the moors; our gamekeepers, landowners and farmers in such a position where running the trial could put their livelihood, birds and animals at risk.

We will be in touch with riders in due course and more information on the administration side will be posted on the website as it becomes available.