Gerald Simpson – Updated rider list and numbers

With only a few days to go to the Gerald Simpson trial in Coverdale, we have an updated rider list and start times:  Gerald Simpson Rider Numbers and Times 2018 – Updated 10-5-18

We still a few numbers remaining if anyone wants a last minute ride – just ring Chris or Ken on 01748825844


Gerald Simpson Rider Numbers, Times & Final Instructions – Places still available

Gerald Simpson Memorial Trophy

With only a few days to go to next weekend’s Gerald Simpson Trophy Trial the Rider Numbers, Times and Final Instructions are available to download here:


Gerald Simpson Rider Numbers and Times 2018

Gerald Simpson 2018 Final Instructions

There are still places left for this fantastic 40 section 30 mile trial in Coverdale, so please ring Chris on 01748 825844 if you would like an entry.

We are also looking for observers, anyone able to help out please could you get in touch with Nigel Cummins or ring the above number.

ENTRIES STILL OPEN – G Simpson, Blue Bar & Mintex

As we are not full entries remain open for:

Gerald Simpson (13th May) – Please ring 01748825844 but still send in an entry with payment  Gerald Simpson 2018 Entry Form .  A list of those who have entered to date in Alphabetical order can be downloaded here.  Gerald Simpson 2018 – Alphabetical List  If you have sent in an entry but are not on the list please let us know and we will add you on.  Final Instructions and rider numbers will be on the website at some point later on this weekend.

Blue Bar (26 & 27 May) – Entry Form here: Blue Bar 2018 – Entry Form

Mintex (17th June) – Entry Form here:Mintex Entry Form 2018

Carpley Green Provisional Results (Updated) – plus Pre- Entry Trial reminders

View over Semerwater from the trial.

A new venue for today’s trial proved a great success with the riders taking part on a cold & blustery day.   Provisional Results (updated for an incorrect Father/Son number) for the trial can be downloaded here:  Carpley Green Trial 2018 – Provisional Results

Thank You’s

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part today.

Future Events:  Don’t forget to get your entries in for the following pre-entry trials – still plenty of places left.

13th May 2018 – Gerald Simpson Centre Trial – Wensley – Adults and Clubman only – Pre Entry (closing date 5th May) 26/27th May 2018 –Gerald Simpson 2018 Entry Form

Blue Bar Pre65 Trophy Trial – Horsehouse – Pre65/040/050/TS – Pre Entry (closing date 5th May)  Blue Bar 2018 – Entry Form

17th June 2018 – Mintex Youth Time & Observation Trial – Hurst – A & B Class only – Pre Entry (closing date 8th June)  Mintex Entry Form 2018


Carpley Green Update 29.4.2018

Carpley Green Trial (Raydaleside DL8 3DN) Flagged off the Bainbridge to Aysgarth road– Sunday 29th April 2018 (10.30 am start) – Hard/Green/Clubman/Youth A,B,C (not suitable for C Beginners) – Entries are at the start but you can get ahead by downloading an entry form here:  Entry Form – Carpley Green Trial 2018

Parking for this trial is limited so if you can get together and share lifts that would be muchly appreciated.

If you are able to observe please could you contact Sandra on tel: 07719921154 and please ensure you put your thermals on, I have been told you may need them up there!

Catering will be available and also please remember to show your ACU licenses when signing on.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday.