Scott Trial 2024 – Provisional Results

Richmond Motor Club would like to give their congratulations to Jack Price for winning this year’s Scott Trial – for the fourth time in a row, a great achievement.

Full provisional results are available to download here – 

2024 Spoons and Final Results

2024 Special Awards

2024 Section by section analysis

2024 Times

2024 Manufacturers Teams

2024 Club Teams

As always we would like to thank all those who made this year’s trial happen – too many to mention – but especially the landowners without who’s permission we couldn’t run the greatest one day trial in the world and the observers who stand out all day!   Special thanks must also go to all the riders and supporters who make the trial such a great event and help us to raise so much money each year for the Scott Charities. And finally a big thank you to the Scott Committee and helpers for their hard work over the last few months, its a massive task running the Scott and they should give themselves a huge pat on the back.

Mintex Trophy Trial Provisional Results, ACU 203560

Today’s Mintex Trophy Trial was again a great success. The weather was very testing today for all involved.

We had a huge amount of officials sign on today and we would like to thank you all, including the Clerk of the Course and all his helpers, marshals, observers, sponsors, secretaries, petrol stop officials, Swaledale Mountain Rescue, the caterers and everyone else involved in today’s epic event.  You all know who you are and how much we appreciate all your help and the work involved in running this very special trial.

Congratulations and many thanks to all the riders for taking part and their parents and helpers for keeping them calm!  We had a great entry of 66 this year, the trial continues to go from strength to strength.

Provisional results and award sheets can be found below:

Mintex Awards 2024


Mintex Times 2024v1

Charlotte’s pictures can be found on CEB Photography on Facebook

Chloe’s pictures can be found here 

Certificates will be sent in the post in the next couple of weeks.

Any problems please ring Sandra on 01969 624146


Since the Mintex Trial one of our committee members, Michael Wilson has been developing a programme using the ACU Observer App files and the number check scan files, to help identify errors and award the correct result, missed sections, course cutting and more, hopefully speeding up the results process.

On behalf of the committee I would like to thank him for all his effort.

We thought it would be good to publish the files for all to look at, the graphs are interactive and by clicking on a riders name you are able to view their performance and compare with others. Don’t be frightened to mess with it, you can’t break it!

Best viewed on a desktop.

Provisional Results: G E Brown and Son Trophy Trial, ACU Yorks Championship, 17.08.2024, ACU:203666

George Hird A Class winner


Please find attached Provisional results for todays trial from the G E Brown Trophy Trial at Parkrash: Yorkshire Centre ACU Championship GE Brown and Son Trophy Trial 17.08.2024

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the landowner, all the observers, media the Clerk of the Course and his helpers, anyone else involved in the running of the trial and for giving up their time. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.

Charlotte’s pictures can be found on CEB Photography on Facebook

Chloe’s pictures can be found here

Brian’s pictures can be found here

Any problems please ring Sandra on 01969 624146

Reeth 3 Day Trial: 19/20/21/2024 – Provisional Results ACU:202932

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank all those involved in the running of this years Reeth 3 Day Championship Trial. A great weekend of trialing was had by all!   The weather was good for those riding.

Our very popular ‘Last Section Bar’ was once again a big hit, with lots of riders making use of the warm marquee, cheep beer and a chance to go over the ups and downs of the day.  Many thanks to all the volunteers who manned the bar and everyone who supported us and made it a great success.

We would like to thank all the landowners, tenant farmers, gamekeepers, observers & sponsors without whom, as always, the trial could not run.  Also the 3 Day Team (too numerous to mention) including the Clerks of the Course and their assistants, for all working so hard to make the weekend run smoothly.  Many thanks as well to all the riders for entering, taking part and making the journey from near and far.

Finally congratulations to this year’s award winners!

Provisional Results:Reeth 3 Day results v1


Provisional Results: Underbanks, 30.6.2024 ACU:203485

Sid Bainbridge D Class Winner

Please find attached updated results for Sundays trial at Underbanks: HERE

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the landowner, observers for observing, Media, the Clerk of the Course and his helpers and anyone else involved in the running of the trial.  Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.

Chloe’s pictures can be found on HERE

Any problems please ring Sandra on 01969 624146

Our next events can be found on our website.

Thank you