Albert Shaw Re-run 29th January 2017 – Provisional Results

Fantastic Scenery at todays trial – Photo Credit – Katy Sunter

Provisional Results for today’s trial are available to download here:  Albert Shaw Re-Run Provisional Results

Raffle:  Today’s raffle raised £69, thanks to all those who took part.  The Apico Mat was won by C Towns and the Handwash by Andrew Dennis.

Thank You’s

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part on a beautiful day high up in the dales.

Future Events:

Harold Graham Trophy Trial – (Cogden-Grinton) – Sunday 19th February 2017 (10.30 start) – All Classes

Dick Horner Memorial Trial (Wensley) – Sunday 26th February 2017 (10.30 start) – Green/CM/Youth/Small Course

Please can all riders remember that there is to be no riding around before or after the trial.  We rely on the good will of our landowners and do not wish to jeopardise this in any way.  Thank you.

Park Gate Trial – 15th January 2017 – Provisional Words

RMC logo Gold

Provisional Results for today’s trial are available to download here:

Park Gate Trial 2017 Provisional Results

Thank You’s

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.  Especially as it was a rather muddy day!

 Future Events (full details of these events are on the RMC Website):

 Albert Shaw Trophy Trial(re-run)(Copperthwaite, Hurst Road) – Sunday 29th January 2017 (10.30 start)– All Classes

Harold Graham Trophy Trial(Cogden-Grinton) – Sunday 19th February 2017 (10.30 start) – All Classes

Dick Horner Memorial Trial (Wensley) – Sunday 26th February 2017 (10.30 start) – Green/CM/Youth/Small Course

Youth and Adult Presentation – 2016 Championship Results

Richmond Motor Club held their annual Youth Presentation awards on Sunday and this year also saw the Adult Presentation being held on the same day in the evening.  Many thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed a great day.  The club would also like to thank all those who sponsored the event, made the awards, provided food, helped with decorations, gave raffle prizes and numerous other tasks, it is very much appreciated.

Championship Results:  Adult Championship Awards 2016                  Youth Championship Awards 2016

Guy Kendrew - Expert Championship Winner 2016

Guy Kendrew – Expert Championship Winner 2016

Congratulations to all the Youth Award Winners

Congratulations to all the Youth Award Winners

Eric Ridley Trophy Trial – Provisional Results

RMC logo Gold

The provisional results for today’s re-arranged Eric Ridley Trophy Trial are available to download here:  Eric Ridley 2016 Provisional Results

As always Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowners, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial.  Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.

Future Events

Easy Clubman & Youth Christmas Trial – (Kirby Hill) – Saturday 10th December 2016 (11.30 start)– CM/O40/TS & Youth

Youth & Adult Presentation Event – (Comrades Club Richmond) – Sunday 11th December 2016 3 pm start. All very welcome, please come along and support this years joint awards presentation event.  Further information can be downloaded here:  Youth & Adult Presentation Event – Full Details

Albert Shaw Trophy Trial (Woodyard, Reeth) – Monday 26th December 2016 – All Adult & Youth Classes – 10.30 am start.


GE Brown & Son Trophy Trial – Provisional Results – UPDATED

img_6746It’s been a lovely day in the heart of Swaledale, with great sections to match!

The provisional results for today’s GE Brown & Son Centre Championship Trial are available to download here:  ge-brown-2016-centre-championship-provisional-results

Championship Points are now showing and there were a couple of course errors and spelling mistakes!

As always Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowners, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial.  Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.