The ACU Luscombe Suzuki Leeds British Ladies and Girls Trials Championship

Imogen and Amber Richmond Ladies championship

Imogen and Amber Richmond Ladies championship

Congratulations to the 41 ladies and girls who entered and rode the Richmond round of the ladies and girls championship, we hope you enjoyed your day. We would like to thank the following people

Thank you to the Landowner for kindly allowing us to use their land today. Thank you to the Clerk of the Course and his team of Helpers who created the Trial. A special Thank you to Mr Peter Young for his generosity in supporting this event. We thank Katy Sunter and Dan Thorpe, Laura Robinson and Sandra Fowler for all their support. Thank you to the ACU Steward for attending. Thank you to Vicky Andrew for organising the awards. Many thanks to all our observers for your time and your continued support of Richmond Motor Club. Finally a Thank You to Mr John Fraser for the loan of his camper for our results it is much appreciated.

Results – Ladies 2014


James Dabill, Photos courtesy of Neil Sturgeon Photography

James Dabill, Photos courtesy of Neil Sturgeon Photography

Thank you to the Clerk of the Course and his team for putting on a fantastic trial, to Mr J Close  and Mr Brown for allowing us to use their land today, to the ACU Steward and Centre Steward for attending and the observing teams. Finally to all those who turned up to support Richmond Motor Club by spectating and helping to raise over £300 for Mr Close’s chosen charities.

Champ Class – Results  Experts & Youths     Classification – Rd 2

Thank you to Neil for his photographs today