Luscombe Suzuki Leeds British A and B Championship Results

Todays ResultsA and B National Results 2012 Richmond Motor Club would like to thank our landowners for allowing us access across their land in what is an outstanding location and to Ros Brown for her kind hospitality in allowing us to use the family Summer house.

Thank you to the Clerk Of the Course and of course his team, Observers, Marshalls and Assistants.  Thank you to Peter Young and Trialmag for providing awards .

A special Thank you to Chris Wallis, for acting as Results Secretary today, Julie Clement for her support and to our Awards Secretaries Cath Hillary  and  Carol Richardson.  A final Thank you goes to our National and Centre Stewards for attending today’s event.

ACU Womens and Girls Trials Championship Parkgate Farm 5th August 2012, Provisional Results

Todays results  Women and Girls Championship

Thank you to all those who made today possible, to the Landowner for his kind permission in allowing us to use this wonderful venue, to the Clerk of the Course and his great team who created the trial, to the Observers, the Results Team and Awards Secretary for coordinating the results THANK YOU.  It as ever wonderful to see so many British Women and Girls taking part, and a special thank you to all those who travelled so far to ride and make the event the success that it was.  Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the kind sponsorship of Mr Peter Young. Thank you to the Yorkshire Centre and National Stewards for attending the event.

Reeth 3 Day Trial 2012 Results!

A fantastic weekend of sunshine, socialising, eating, drinking and most importantly riding came to a close earlier today with a nail biting finish!

Its been close at the top all weekend with Dan Thorpe taking the win on Friday and then Sam Haslam on Saturday, local rider and last years winner Richard Sadler has just has to sit and watch others take the top spot.

At the start of the 3rd day Haslam was 1 point in front of Sadler so any mistakes would have cost the win. Haslam finished the day on 9 so Sadler needed less than 8 for a comfy victory, all was looking good for Sadler until 3 sections from the finish where 1 meter from the end gates of the top section of Summer Lodge he gained a maximum of 5 marks.

This meant that Sadler had 8 for the final day so results were tied with both riders losing 18marks over the 3 days. Based on most cleans Sadler came out on top and wins overall for the second year.

Emma Bristow came out on top as best lady rider and was also the best intermediate in the event.

It was also close at the top of the clubman course with Andrew Tales taking top spot by just 2 marks for the whole weekend with Sean Isherwood a close second. Paul Sadler followed in 3rd.

Reeth 3 Day Trial 2012 – Provisional Final Results
Reeth 3 Day Trial 2012 – Provisional Awards