Dick Horner Memorial Trial Provisional Results 17th February 2013

Todays Provisional Results :-Ammended Dick Horner 2013 these have been ammended to show C Class rode a seperate course and to clarify course positions.

Thank you to Jack Knoops for taking photographs today and sharing this link. http://www3.snapfish.co.uk/snapfishuk/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=18513311011/a=1600269011_1600269011/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=snapfishuk/


Albert Shaw Trophy Trial 2012 Provisional Results

Provisional results for the Albert Shaw Trial, 26th December 2012 – Albert Shaw

  1. Thank you to Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team for attending the trial and to all those individuals that took time to help  with the incident, we wish Piers a speedy recovery.

Thank you to Neil for his photographs https://plus.google.com/photos/102381136682332879904/albums/5826301447916680929

Hardstiles, 4th November Provisional results

Thank you to the landowners for kindly allowing us to use this venue. Many thanks to the Clerk of the Course and his helpers for setting out the trial. Thank you to Ted for the conducted route. Many thanks to the observers for enduring another cold day.

Todays Provisional results- Hardstiles    Thank you to Neil for taking photographs at Section 3, we have published the link to Neil’s Photographs here – https://plus.google….COubs8Op16u57AE

Provisional results For The GE Brown and Son Trophy Trial Centre Championship

Thank you to our kind landowners for allowing us to ride over their land today, the Clerk of the Course and his team and of course our wonderful observers. A special thank you to The Yorkshire centre Steward for attending today

Provisional Results Crackpot 2012