Grab your diaries and save the dates for our upcoming events!  Details of Richmond Motor Club trials and social events listed below.  Please note revised dates for our annual youth awards presentation/Christmas Party and annual adult awards presentation.


Youth Annual Awards Presentation and Christmas Party Sunday 2nd December 2018  Richmondshire Cricket Club.  Family fun for all including quiz, games, bike balancing with AG Bikes and a visit from Santa.  4.30 for a 5pm start, food is provided for RMC youth members.

RMC monthly meeting Tuesday 4th December 2018 8.00pm Richmondshire Cricket Club, all members most welcome.

Christmas Trial Saturday 8th December 2018 Easy Clubman/Youth Trial/Small Course, Venue Swan Farm, Redmire, Down load the entry form here:Entry Form – Christmas Trial Swan Farm 2018

Landowners Lunch – Sunday 9th December 2018 Tennants, Leyburn.  An opportunity for the club to host a lunch to show our gratitude to the landowners, farmers and gamekeepers who give us their continued support throughout the year.  Invites to follow in due course.

Albert Shaw Trial Boxing Day Wednesday 26th December 2018 10.30am  Reeth Adults/Green/CM/Youth/Small Course

Adults Annual Awards Presentation  Friday 18th January 2019 Wensleydale Rugby Club, Leyburn – a different format this year on a more casual basis with pie and pea supper.  Watch the website for more information and tickets.






2018 Scott Trial Rider List etc

Now that the closing date for entries has past we can put up a rider list (in alphabetical order).  We have a waiting list so anyone who has a ride and is now unable to take it up, please let us know as soon as possible.  Scott Trial 2018 Enry List – Alphabetical Order


The ballot for rider numbers has taken place and we will be releasing the numbers, start times and final instructions in the next couple of weeks, so please keep an eye on the website for all the important information.

As the countdown shows its now only just over 34 days until this years epic Scott so we hope all the training is going to plan!

If you need some training with your bike, why not come to the GE Brown Trophy Trial on Sunday 16th September – 2 laps of 20 sections starting in Low Row – entry form details can be downloaded here:  GE Brown 2018 Centre Championship Entry Form

Scott Trial 2018 Entry Update

The Official closing date for this year’s Scott entries is today, but we have 10 spaces free if you would like to put in a last minute entry!  Please email if you would like to book a place.  You will need to be quick though as it’s first come first served!

Entry form and regs can be downloaded here:  Scott Trial 2018 Entry Form    Scott Trial 2018 -Regs

For all of those who have already entered there is now less than 6 weeks to get training!

SCOTT TRIAL 2018 – Entries now OPEN

Entries for this year’s Scott Trial to be held Saturday 13th October 2018 are now open.

Entry Form’s and Reg’s are available to download here:  Scott Trial 2018 -Regs     Scott Trial 2018 Entry Form

Please read the Reg’s carefully before filling in your entry form to make sure that you enter for all the correct awards.

Entries are on a first come first served basis and close on Friday 2nd September 2018 with a limit of 200 riders, so get your entry forms in as soon as possible to guarantee your place.

To start the Scott Trial fever rolling, Colin Bullock has kindly made us a 10 minute clip from 25 years ago at the 1993 Scott Trial.  Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for further clips from previous trials.


Scott Trial Charity Presentation Evening and Easter Weekend Trials

On Friday 23rd March at The Buck Hotel Reeth, the Scott trial charity donations were given out to many local recipients.

The evening began with vice chairman Bruce Storr welcoming everyone and saying how the Scott is renowned as being the hardest one day trial in the world.   He then went on to say this year’s winner was the 41 year old legend Dougie Lampkin winning the trial for a 5th time, and then he introduced 21 year old James Stones who was Richmond Motor Clubs top performer in the 2017 trial with a very creditable 3rd place.  James was also the best rider on observation on the day, a very difficult feat and one to be proud of.  James, then presented the cheques to the various charities, a number of which explained how the money would be spent.

A total of £10,000.00 was  given out on the night  this year, and a further £1320  was raised by others for charities at the trial. This brings the total to over £170,000 since Richmond Motor Club took over running the trial in 1991.

Many thanks to all who help and sponsor the  trial, far too numerous to mention, and thoughts now turn to this year’s event which is on 13th  October 2018, a week earlier than normal.

An excellent buffet then followed and general chat among those attending many of whom come each year to the presentation.

The list of recipients are as follows (in no particular order)

Swaledale Scouts, Swaledale Mountain Rescue ,Friends of Reeth and Gunnerside Primary Schools ,Reeth and GunnersideSchools Fund, Ravensworth Primary School ,Arkengarthdale Primary School, Yorkshire Air Ambulance  ,Great North Air Ambulance, Reeth Young Farmers, Swaledale Seedlings, St.Johns Communiy Centre ,RABI  ,Hambleton and  Richmondshire MS  Society,  Richmond Cricket Club youth ,Moorland Assoc, St.Teresa,s Hospice, DELTA, Holmedale Preschool ,Richmond Cricket Club, Wensleydale Rugby Club Development Fund,  Gamekeepers WelfareTrust ,ACU Benevolent Fund, The  Mowbray Suite at the Friarage Hospital,  The Alistair Bullen Memorial Fund,  Homestart, Just The Job ,Robert Dent Memorial Fund,  Marrick Institute, The British Lung Foundation,Ring to Ride Community Transport and Reeth Literary Institute Trust

As always Easter Weekend is a busy time for RMC, with 2  trials being held in Swaledale & Richmond.  Information below

* Good Friday (30th March 2018) – Sid Morton Memorial Trial – Fremington Edge, Nr Reeth, DL11 6AU.  Classes for Adults/Green/Clubman, A Class and competent B Class only.  10.30 am start, Catering available at the start.    Entry is on the day but you can get ahead and fill an Entry Form by downloading it here:    Entry Form – Sid Morton 2018

* Easter Monday (2nd April 2018) – Easy Clubman and Youth Trial – Iron Banks, Richmond, DL10 4SJ.  Classes for Clubman/All Youth and Small Course (No hard course Non Competitive as competent B can ride on Good Friday).  10.30 am start.   Catering available at the start field.  Entry is on the day but you can get ahead and fill an Entry Form by downloading it here:  Entry Form – Iron Banks Easter Monday Trial 2018