I am new to the sport, what do I have to do to be able to enter a trial?
Give us a ring and we will happily guide you through the process, or check out our membership page here.
Who and what is the ACU?
Click Here
Why does RMC use the ACU?
The ACU provide a reasonable insurance package, for Official’s, Riders and Landowners and a fully functioning membership and entry system that allows the club to be far more efficient.
What insurance do I have if I enter a trial permitted by the ACU?
For details on the ACU package follow the following link
Why can’t RMC bring back entries on the day?
We could if we had more volunteer’s to be secretaries and guaranteed 4G to check riders licenses, unfortunately we only have one secretary and little to no 4G coverage at our venues, which makes it almost impossible to go back to day entries.
Where does the entry fee go?
At club trials almost 50% goes back to ACU for the riders insurance, the remainder goes towards the running of the club.
Why does RMC use Sport 80?
RMC uses Sport 80 because the benefit’s far out way the negatives;
Negatives- Initially complex for Riders and Official’s with little training available, fees, commitment, membership system is not perfect and Sport 80 are slow to react to issues.
Positives-No membership secretary required, takes entries and creates entry list which easily transfer into the results system, refunds are easy, licence checks are done automatically, manages waiting lists, no postal mail, no money to get to the bank or cheques to bank from pre enter events, email facility for events and members, no entry forms to be printed and stored for the correct period of time.
I am struggling with Sport 80 can someone help?
Yes, give us a ring on 0775927708.
What does the Yorkshire Centre do for us?
Provides a committee that keeps all the Centre clubs informed and gives us a voice at national level on ACU matters, training for our officials and runs the Yorkshire Centre Championships to grade riders.
What are Expert and Intermediate gradings?
They are grades awarded to riders for finishing events/Yorkshire Centre Championship at a high level. Please see the Centre Handbook for more information.
How do I get involved with RMC?
Please contact the secretary.
Can I come and watch a trial?
I want to become an observer, could somebody teach me the rules and help until I am confident?
Yes, come along and speak to the event secretary.
Why does RMC use the electronic scoring devices?
The old system was outdated and was incompatible with modern computers, after many hours of study it was decided that the best option was the one provided by the ACU. This system involved the use of phones to record the scores, Observers who have used the phones only have positive comments.