GE Brown & Son Trophy Trial – Provisional Results

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The provisional results for todays GE Brown & Son Trophy Trial (Centre Trial) are available to download here

GE Brown 2015 Centre Championship Results

Thank you’s:  Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the landowners, observers, Clerk of the course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial.  Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part.

Don’t forget the re-arranged Richardson Trophy Trial (Easy Clubman/Youth/Small Course) is next Saturday 26th September at BRAIDLEY, DL8 4TX.  Start time 11am.  There will be catering available at the Start Field.  To get ahead on the day you can download an entry form here:

Entry Form – Richardson Trophy Trial 2015 – BRAIDLEY


Scott Logo - redA Note From The Scott Trial Secretary
Thank you all for entering this year’s trial; as you can see we nearly have a full house which is fantastic.
Some of you have not signed the declaration which was attached to the entry forms, some of you have not paid the entry fee, and one of you has actually overpaid. We will be in contact with you soon to chase this up.
Don’t forget that we do have the Presentation of Awards on the night of the trial at Richmond Cricket Club, where everyone can meet up for the post trial analysis !! It would be good to see everyone there.
We look forward to seeing you all on the day, but if you have any queries in the meantime, please let me know.
Best regards on behalf of the Committee,
Diane Horner
Scott Trial Secretary
Tel: 01748 886434 

GE Brown & Richardson Trophy Trial Updates

RMC logo GoldThis Sunday – 20th September 2015 – sees the GE Brown & Son Trophy Yorkshire Centre Trophy Trial .  The Trial starts at Dykes Head, Gunnerside, DL11 6JG at 10.30 am, and will have a Championship Course, Clubman A and Clubman B Course.  There will be catering available at the start.  Regs and Entry Forms are available to download here and this trial can be entered in advance:

GE Brown 2015 Centre Championship Entry Form           GE Brown 2015 Centre Championship Regs

The Richardson Trophy Trial, which was cancelled on the 5th September due to a waterlogged field has been re-arranged at a different venue.  The trial is now on Saturday 26th September and will now start at Braidley in Coverdale, DL8 4TX.  Start time will be at 11.00am and there will be catering available at the start.  This is an Easy Clubman trial with classes for Clubman, Youth and Small Course.  Regs and Entry Forms to get you ahead on the day can be downloaded here:

Entry Form – Richardson Trophy Trial 2015 – BRAIDLEY    Supplementary Regs – Richardson Trophy Trial 2015 – BRAIDLEY

ACU OSET British Solo Youth Trials – Richmond Round Results

RMC logo GoldThe results of today’s trial are available to download here:  B, C & D NATIONAL RESULTS 2015

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Clerk of the Course and Helpers, Secretary and Helpers, Observers Punchers, Riders, Parents, ACU & Yorkshire Centre Stewards and all those who have helped with today’s trial.  We hope you have all enjoyed your day.

The next Richmond Motor Club Events are:

Easy Clubman and Youth Trial at Barnacres, Skeeby on Saturday 5th September 2015 – 1pm start.  Clubman, Youth & Small Course.

GE Brown & Son Centre Trial – Sunday 20th September 2015 – 10.30 am start.  Adults/Green/CM & A Class only.

Don’t forget that Scott Entries Close later on this week so get your entries in asap.