Gerald Simpson Results 17th May 2015

RMC LogoThe provisional results from todays Gerald Simpson Trial are available to download here:  Gerald Simpson Results 2015

Thank you to the Landowners for kindly allowing us to use their land today. Thank you to the Clerk of the Course and his many assistants who created the Trial. Many thanks to all our observers for your time and your continued support of  Richmond Motor Club. A big thank you to all riders for closing all gates and following the signage around the course in order to help preserve this land for future events.  For any queries with these results please contact Laura Robinson 01748850801

Link for Neil Sturgeons photo’s is below:

Gerald Simpson & Blue Bar Final Instructions and Numbers

RMC Logo

Riders list and final instructions for next weekend’s Gerald Simpson Memorial Trial are available to download here:  Gerald Simpson Final Instructions 2015

*Please note there is a change to the originally advertised start field, the new start for the event is Town Foot Farm, Carlton, North Yorkshire, DL8 4BA. 

As you can see there are still some early numbers available for the event, please contact Laura Robinson event secretary on 01748 850801 if you are interested in a last minute ride. Do not send entries in the post.’ 

Riders numbers for the Blue Bar Pre65 Trophy Trial are available to download here:  Blue Bar Pre 65 2 Day Trophy Trial Rider Numbers

Please note amended postcode for the start field DL8 4TS. Basic camping facilities, and catering available over the weekend. There are still a number of rides available for the event, please contact Laura Robinson event secretary, on 01748 850801 for a last minute entry. Please do not send entries in the post.’


Park Rash Provisional Results – 10th May 2015

RMC LogoResults for today’s trial are available to download here: Park Rash 2015 Results

Thank You’s  Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Observers, Clerk of the Course and helpers, Secretaries and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all riders for entering and taking part.

Our next trial is the Gerald Simpson on Sunday 17th May and there are still some early numbers available for the event, please contact Laura Robinson event secretary on 01748 850801 if you are interested in a last minute ride. Do not send entries in the post.’ 

We are also looking for observers for this trial – please contact either Laura or Steve Lambert the Clerk of the Course if you would like to observe.