2015 Trial Dates

The events page has been updated for 2015 and details can be downloaded/viewed here: Richmond Motor Club Dates 2015 – Updated for Junior Classes

We have also added all of these dates into an ical format file for anyone that wants to import them to their calendar. This works on iphone too!
This can be downloaded here: RMC_Trials_2015
(please note this calendar may not be updated if trial dates change so it is always best to check the website on a regular basis).

See you all at the presentation evening on January 16th for pie and peas!


Albert Shaw Boxing Day Trial – Provisional Results

Boxing DayHappy Christmas to everyone!  Here are the provisional results for yesterdays Boxing Day Trial- sorry for the delay due to website problems but hopefully most of you saw them through the link on our facebook page.

Albert Shaw Trophy Trial

Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the landowners, observers, clerk of the course and helpers, secretaries and everyone else who helped out.

The link for Jack Knoop’s photos taken at the trial is as follows:


We are currently updating the calendar and website for our future events so keep a look out for what’s on next.

We wish everyone a very Happy New Year and 2015  new year

Albert Shaw Boxing Day Trial 26th Dec 2014 start time 10.30 am Woodyard, Reeth

RMC LogoAlbert Shaw Boxing Day Trial 26th Dec 2014 start time 10.30 am Woodyard, Reeth

Classes E and D will be on a seperate course with Ted, C class and above will be on the main course.

Catering will be available in the start field

Adult Presentation, Pie and Pea Supper with Disco on the 16th of Jan 2015. Tickets will be available at the start £5.00 each see Youth Secretary.

We look forward to seeing everyone and we wish you all a Merry Christmas.


Applegarth Easy/Youth Christmas Trial Results

RMC Logo
Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the land owners for letting us use their land today, the Clerk of the course and helpers and especially the observers on such a freezing cold day. Also to the Burger Queen, all the riders and familys for venturing out. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Please find attached todays results  applegarthamended13.12.2014

and a link for Pictures taken by Jack Knoops todayhttp://www3.snapfish.co.uk/snapfishuk/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=22954301011/a=1600269011_1600269011/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=snapfishuk/

Christmas Easy Clubman Trial-December 13th-Applegarth


RMC LogoApplegarth Christmas Trial – Saturday 13th December – 10.30am

Venue-Applegarth Nr Marske DL11 7LS

Easy Clubman and Youth Trial

Catering will be available at the start field.

Due to a bad weather forcast at the weekend, please look at the website in case we need to Cancel this trial.  Thank you