RMC Updates – Hardstiles Trial Sunday 2nd November 2014

RMC LogoNow that the Scott Trial is over for another year it’s time to give you some information on our next Club Trial and some general updates.

Hardstiles Trial – Sunday 2nd November 2014.

RMC will be running an Easy Clubman/Beginners & Youth Trial at Hardstiles, near Marske (DL11 7NQ) on Sunday November 2nd – start 11am.  Classes for Easy Clubman, Youth A B C & Small Course for D & E classes.  Entry Fees Adult £12, Youth £10 and Conducted £8.  Entries will be taken on the day but to save you time you can download an entry form and regs here:  Entry Form 2014 Hardstiles      Supplementary Regs – Hardstiles 2014

RMC Trophies

Please can you return any trophies that you have from last year’s Adult and Youth Presentations to Vicky Andrews as soon as possible – Hardstiles Trial or the Eric Ridley on the 23rd November would be ideal or contact Vicky by email on victoriaandrew123@btinternet.com


DSCF2208Finally it’s your last chance to order Richmond Motor Club Hoodies (adult & children’s sizes) for xmas!  Download and fill in the form below and hand it in to Sandra Fowler our Youth Secretary at the Hardstiles trial.  They are a great bargain at £20.00 and £16.50 respectively and for just an extra pound you can have them personalised.



Centenary Scott Trial 2014 – Results

Many Congratulations to James Dabill for winning this very special Centenary Scott Trial

James receiving the Albert Scott Memorial Trophy from the great Sammy Miller MBE

James receiving the Albert Scott Memorial Trophy from the great Sammy Miller MBE


A full set of results are available to download here:

2014 Spoons and Final Results    2014 Special Awards

2014 Teams – Clubs     2014 Teams – Manufacturers

2014 Times    2014 Section by Section Analysis


As always we would like to thank all those who made this such a special and successful event – too many to mention – but especially the landowners without who’s permission we couldn’t run the greatest one day trial in the world!  Special thanks must also go this year to the Scott Trial Committee for the additional work involved in running the Centenary Trial and Scott Centenary Dinner.


We will keep you updated with how much was raised this year for the Scott Charities just as soon as we have totted it up!


Centenary Scott Updates

Scott Centenary Logo - no red circleWell, we are definitely on the final countdown here and fingers crossed the weather looks good to go for tomorrow here at the start field.  Don’t forget to pick up your programme if you haven’t already got one.

RIDER LIST:  An updated rider list with the most recent changes:  List of Riders

SCOTT AUCTION UPDATES:  We have some additional very exciting lots.  Bids taken on the field, on the night or email chris.wallis@richmondmotorclub.com  –  Download the full list here:  Scott Auction Items 2014

SSDT GUARANTEED Entry 2015 – E&DMC                                

2nd Toni Bou T Shirt – size XL – Trials Mag                              

One year Subscription to Classic Dirtbike Magazine – Mortons 

Pair of Gaerne Trial Boots Classic or Oiled any size – AG Bikes

Michelin Back Tyre – Trial Mag

Set of 1-10 of Classic Trial Magazine – Trial Mag


After some close bidding right up to last nights dead line the final place has been won by Carl Tennant from CJT Engineering.  Carl had a ride in the Scott but had to pull out earlier in the week due to injury but really wanted to take part so will be riding up to the finish with the rest of the team on the immaculately restored Fantic 240 kindly loaned by AG Bikes, so look out for them and give them a big cheer.  Many thanks Carl for your kind and generous bid which will of course be going to the Scott Charities.

SCOTT MERCHANDISE:   mugsDon’t forget to come and get those early Christmas presents in the big marquee, hats as always, bags, pens and some special Centenary mugs!

CLASSIC BIKE DISPLAY – sadly Graham Jarvis’s bike will not be on display but there will be many other famous and fascinating bikes there so come in and have a look.