Scott Rider Numbers

Scott Centenary Logo - no red circleScott Rider Numbers and Final Instructions have been emailed out to all riders tonight.  Please keep a look out in your inbox!  With only 31/2 weeks to go we hope all the training is going to plan.

Keep an eye on the website over the coming weeks for updates on the exciting centenary celebrations and special displays on the start field.  The Centenary Programme will be out early October – watch this space!

The GE Brown & Sons Centre Championship – Provisional Results

The Provisional Results to the GE Brown & Sons Centre Championship Trial are available to download here:  GE Brown Trophy Trial 2014

Many thanks to the Landowners, Clerk of the Course & helpers, Observers and everyone who helped out today.

Link to Jack Knoops photos:

The GE Brown & Sons Trophy Trial – Sunday September 21st 2014 – 10.30 am

The GE Brown & Sons Trophy Trial – THIS SUNDAY 21st SEPTEMBER 2014

Just a quick update to make sure that everyone knows the start is at Greg’s Acres, Gunnerside,  DL11 6JG.  Start time 10.30 am.

GE Brown 2014 Centre Championship Regs

GE Brown 2014 Centre Championship Entry Form

If you are coming along to the trial and have any RMC cups could you please bring them to the secretary of the trial as we are now collecting them back in.  Many thanks.

Final reminder for Scott Centenary Dinner Tickets – just a few leftScott Centenary Dinner Flyer



Centenary Scott – List of Entries

Scott Centenary LogoThe closing date for the Scott Entries has now passed and we currently have 197 entries which are listed here:  List of Entries

Entries are still being accepted on a first come first served basis for the final 3 places and if we receive more they will go onto a waiting list.  Entry form available here: Scott Entry Form 2014


Tickets for the Centenary Dinner on Friday 3rd October 2014 are selling quickly, and there are a limited number so get your orders in now to make sure you have a place: Scott Centenary Dinner Flyer