RMC LogoPlease note that the Richmond Motor Club Richardson Trophy Trial on Saturday is to be held at SKEEBY by kind permission of Mr Gerald Richardson.  The trial starts at 1pm and will have classes for Easy Clubman, Youth ABCD and E conducted trial.




Don’t forget you can still get your Richmond Motor Club Hoodies (adult & children’s sizes) by downloading and filling in the form above and handing it in to Sandra Fowler our Youth Secretary at the trial.  They are a great bargain at £20.00 and £16.50 respectively and for just an extra pound you can have them personalised – great for Christmas!

Results for the final round of the Luscombe Mitsubishi Leeds British C and D Championship

Results  C and D 2014

The Clerk of the Course would like to Thank Lawrence for the use of the Splendid Cogden Hall for todays Final National C and D round. Thank you to all the parents for travelling near and far to this event, we hope you and your children have had a fabulous day. Once again a massive Thank to our faithful observers and officials for helping to make this event happen.

Please find as follows the link to Neil surgeons Photographs

Centenary Scott Trial Entries

Scott Centenary LogoEntries for this years very special Centenary Scott Trial are still open and there are places left so get your entries in asap before Friday 5th September 2014.  Download the regs and entry form here:                       Scott Regs 2014        Scott Entry Form 2014

You can also get tickets now for the Scott Centenary Dinner, to be held on Friday 3rd October 2014 at Tennants in Leyburn.  Tickets are just £30 each including welcome drink and 3 course meal and it is set to be a great evening with speakers, copies of every programme from 1920, photo’s and a chance to catch up with friends and like minded Scott supporters from far and wide.   Download details on how to get tickets here: Scott Centenary Dinner Flyer

The ACU Luscombe Suzuki Leeds British Ladies and Girls Trials Championship

Imogen and Amber Richmond Ladies championship

Imogen and Amber Richmond Ladies championship

Congratulations to the 41 ladies and girls who entered and rode the Richmond round of the ladies and girls championship, we hope you enjoyed your day. We would like to thank the following people

Thank you to the Landowner for kindly allowing us to use their land today. Thank you to the Clerk of the Course and his team of Helpers who created the Trial. A special Thank you to Mr Peter Young for his generosity in supporting this event. We thank Katy Sunter and Dan Thorpe, Laura Robinson and Sandra Fowler for all their support. Thank you to the ACU Steward for attending. Thank you to Vicky Andrew for organising the awards. Many thanks to all our observers for your time and your continued support of Richmond Motor Club. Finally a Thank You to Mr John Fraser for the loan of his camper for our results it is much appreciated.

Results – Ladies 2014