Reeth 3 Day – Final Entry List

Reeth 3 Day Logo 2







On Reeth 3 Day eve the weather looks set fair for all 3 days, but especially hot for Friday so make sure you bring plenty of Sun Cream, Midge Repellent and Water.  The final list of riders is available to download here:  Final Entry List  .  Programmes will be available on the start field with maps for each day showing where spectator sections are.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the morning.

Reeth 3 Day – Final Call for Buffet Tickets

Reeth 3 Day Logo 2Buffet

Just a final reminder for all those who have not bought their buffet tickets for the Friday night in the main marquee.  Thursday 17th July is the deadline for extra tickets as the caterer needs to be informed of final numbers then.  Please remember that NO tickets will be available after that.

If you wish to order tickets they are £12.50 each and are available from our Social Secretary Sarah Laws on 01748 818791.

Training School Menu July 2014

Youth training school menu Burger Queen Menu for two days training at Cogden Hall

Pre ordered lunch time lunch bag;  A lunch meal bag will be provided for all riders with choice of food who wish to pre-order their lunch and not queue. Cost for the Lunch Bag will be £6.00. Then usual menu to order at the Burger Queen as normal, just thought the riders would be able to grab lunch without having to wait.  Please download the menu and bring it to Lindsey at training school and your child’s lunch will be ready to collect at the lunch break.

REETH 3 DAY – List of Riders in Number Order

Reeth 3 Day Logo 2Numbers have now been allocated to those riders who have a place at this year’s 3 day trial.  Riders in number order 2014

Final Instructions will be sent out in the next couple of days – NON STARTERS Please notify the secretary as soon as possible as there are riders on the reserve list. Once you have received Final Instructions, your entry fee will only be refunded if we are able to fill your place and a £20 admin fee will be deducted. Please note that your cheque has been presented to the bank. Please make sure there are funds available to clear the cheque, as any returned cheques will incur a surcharge of £12. 

If you have ordered buffet tickets via post in the last couple of weeks, please could you ring Sarah Laws on 01748 818791 to check that she has received your order.  This is a final call for any buffet tickets, please remember they WILL NOT be available on the day.  BUFFET 2014

With only just under 4 weeks to go we look forward to seeing you all there.