Richmond Recognise Katy Sunter

Photograph courtesy of Jack Knoops.

Photograph courtesy of Jack Knoops.

In recognition of her constant efforts to improve attaining an impressive 5th in the Ladies world rankings in 2013, Richmond Motor Club’s Nathan Stones handed over a cheque to Katy Sunter at the recent Sid Morton Memorial Trial.  The Club are pleased to be helping sponsor Katy’s 2014 World and European Trials campaign. Katy remains  a wonderful ambassador for her club and the sport of trials, supporting local trials, especially The Reeth Three Day and The Scott Trial. Richmond Motor Club wishes Katy every success in her World Trial ventures.

Provisional Results – Sid Morton Memorial Trial 18th April 2014

Wall to Wall Sunshine at The Sid Morton Memorial Trial

Wall to Wall Sunshine at The Sid Morton Memorial Trial

Provisional results – Sid Morton 2014

Thank You to Neil and Jack for attending todays trial, links to their photos are as follows:-

Reeth Three Day Rider List 2014

Reeth 3 Day Logo 2Here is the eagerly awaited list of riders drawn for this years Reeth Three Day Trial.

Rider List 2014

Please note that there is a large waiting list and if you wish to withdraw please let us know as soon as possible to give those on the waiting list a chance to ride.  Final Instructions and rider numbers will be sent out at the end of June.