Annual Landowner’s Dinner

2014-02-16 13.06.02Richmond Motor Club last night held the annual thank you dinner to Landowners. This year’s RMC President David Peacock, thanked the landowners for their continued support of our sport, without whom we could not run. A raffle was held in aid of the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution which raised £275. We would like to take this opportunity to again Thank our Landowners, tenant farmers, graziers and gamekeepers for their on-going support.

New ACU Ruling Reminder

Just a quick reminder to everyone that From 2014 it is compulsory for all combustion engine machines ridden by Youth competitors to be fitted with a lanyard operated cut out button.
If you haven’t got yours fitted they are available at AG Bikes Tel:01748 886356 and at other trials bike outlets.