Final Instructions have been sent via the email address given on riders entry forms. Any queries please contact Julie Clement on Please inform Julie ASAP if your rider is unable to ride. Thank you.
Provisional results for today’s trial. Carlton 2013 Winner of the Forresters’ Trophy goes to Tom Constantine for the best performance by a C Class rider with a score of 2.
Thank you to Jack Knoops and Neil Sturgeon for taking photographs today.
The Start will be at 10am Fremington Edge, Nr Reeth, North Yorkshire DL11 7LE, Entries close 10TH SEPTEMBER 2013. Please no late entries.
Reeth Three Day Championship 2013 – Provisional Results
Richmond Motor Club would like to take this opportunity to Thank everyone involved with The Reeth Three Day Championship 2013, run on a perfect summer weekend.
We would very much like to thank all the landowners , tenant farmers and game keepers for allowing us to use this spectacular land, the Clerk of the Course and his assistants for setting out 3 wonderful days of trialling, Paul Brown for allowing us to use his field for camping and entertaining. A trial like the Three Day takes a huge team and far too many to mention by name, but you all know who you are and what you have done, Richmond Motor Club are very grateful for all your support. A special Thank you all our local sponsors for again supporting this trial. We also raised £600 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance so thank you to Jackie for organising the raffle.
A huge congratulations to Sam Haslam on winning The Cliff Addison Trophy and also to Richard Fraser for winning the Clubman Course.
Reeth Three Day Results 2013 Reeth-3-Day-Trial-2013-Provisional-Awards
Neil Sturgeons photographs available here.
Scott Trial 2013 – Regs now available
In complete contrast to this beautiful spell of weather, it’s come to that time once again to start thinking about your preparation for the Scott Trial! The Scott 2013 regs and entry forms are available to download and entries are now open. This year’s Scott Trial takes place on Saturday 19th October 2013 and entries close on Friday 6th September 2013. As usual the field is limited to 200 riders and entries are accepted on a first come, first served basis so make sure you get your entries in early to avoid disappointment. Regs and entry forms are available to download here: Scott Regs 2013 Scott Entry Form 2013