Results for 3rd Round Low Row BTC 9th June.

Thank you to the Clerk of the Course and his team for putting on a fantastic trial, to Mr J Close for allowing us to use his land today, to the ACU Steward and Centre Steward for attending and the observing teams. Finally to all those who turned up to support Richmond Motor Club by spectating and helping to raise over £500 for Mr Close’s chosen charities.

Championship Class RichmondRichmond Experts and YouthChampionship Standings Richmond

Neil Sturgeon’s photo’s available here

Sad Passing of Andrew Naden

Sad news from Wensley is that Andrew Naden passed away late on Wednesday-June 5. He was sixty four years of age and leaves his wife Margaret and stepdaughter Pamela. Andrew was a member of the Richmond Motor Club and with  Norman Iveson,they jointly inaugurated the Gerald Simpson Memorial Trial sidecar event in 1974. He was a long standing committee member of the Richmond Motor Club.  The funeral service will be held at Wensley Church on June 12 at 11.30 am followed by refreshments at The Three Horseshoes Hotel and Wensley Village Hall.

Andrew Allison Memorial Trial 2nd June 2013 Provisional Results

Provisional Results for todays trial –Andrew Allison

William Allison at today’s trial
Photograph courtesy of Jack Knoops


Thank you to all those that rode today in memory of Andrew Allison, together you raised over £100 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.  Thank you to Neil and Jack for taking photographs today links as follows :-