Scott Trial 2021 – Provisional Results – Updated

Richmond Motor Club would like to give their congratulations to Jack Price for winning this year’s Scott Trial.

Provisional results are available to download here:

2021 Spoons and Final Results – 2nd update

2021 Special Awards

2021 Section by Section Analysis – 2nd update

2021 Scott Trial TIMES – updated

Full Teams results will be available as soon as possible.

As always we would like to thank all those who made this year’s trial happen – too many to mention – but especially the landowners without who’s permission we couldn’t run the greatest one day trial in the world and the observers who stood out all day!   Special thanks must also go to all the riders and supporters who make the trial such a great event and help us to raise so much money each year for the Scott Charities.

SCOTT TRIAL AUCTION 2021 – don’t miss out on some fabulous items!

We have some fabulous items in this year’s Scott Trial Charity Auction, which will be held prior to the Results Presentation on Saturday 16th October evening at Richmond School.  Take a look on our Facebook or Instagram page to see what is on offer, including guaranteed entries for 2022 prestigious trials such as the Scottish Six Day Trial, Scottish Pre ’65 Trial, Reeth 3 Day Trial, Leven Valley 2 Day Trial, Highland Classic 2 Day Trial.  Have a browse through our Facebook or Instagram pages to see these plus lots of other brilliant items ranging from trialing clothing, helmets, boots, tyres to a bird table, afternoon tea or bottle of Kin Toffee Vodka!  As always, we are most grateful for the support of everyone who has donated items to the charity auction.

If you wish to place a reserve bid on any of the items, please contact Charlotte Brown via email:



At the request of the landowner, prior to The Scott Trial there must be absolutely NO unauthorised public access in the Coldknuckles/Orgate area.
Please respect our landowners & do not jeopardise the trial. Exclusion will apply if any riders or their minders do not adhere to this.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Hardstyle Trial: 24th of October, Easy Clubman and Youth Trial inc Conducted Course

This trial is available on the ACU website to enter follow the link below.


CLASSES: Clubman, Over 40’s, Twin shock/Pre65. Youth A, B, C & D/H. Conducted D & E.

START / VENUE: – 10.30 am Hardstyles, Marske, North Yorkshire, DL11 7NQ.

Any questions contact Sandra Fowler on Tel: 01969 624146


Scott Trial Rider Numbers, Final Instructions and Programme Information

With just under 3 weeks to go, Scott Preparations are well on the way.  Once again we are not emailing out the numbers and final instructions this year, but you can download a list here:  Scott 2021 – Rider List for Website    Please take a good look at the list of riders, numbers and start times to make sure that you know what time you are setting off and to get the right number on your petrol cans.  The new Clerk of the Course has requested that the winner of the previous Scott Trial is last man away each year.

Also please make sure that you read the Final Instructions – this is very important as there is essential information to make sure that you know exactly what is expected on the day and the run up to the day etc, and they have changed from previous years.  Riders are asked to note that due to COVID restrictions there will be NO drinks provided at petrol stops and riders are asked to bring their own.    When signing on you will be asked to sign saying that you have read and agree to these instructions:  Scott Trial Final instructions 2021

Finally don’t forget that the Official Scott Trial Programme will be available on Saturday 2nd October so make sure you get yours (riders you will get one in your rider pack on the day).  It contains loads of great articles, spectator information and maps of where to go to get the best out of your day and all proceeds will go to The Scott Charities as usual. 

The programmes will be available at the start-field on the day and from the usual local outlets prior to the event. These include: Brookes Garage Richmond; CJ Tennant, Richmond;  Neeps & Tatties, Richmond;  Smith and Allan, Darlington; Piercebridge Farm Shop; AG Bikes, Low Row;  and all the usual outlets in Reeth and Swaledale.

Why not pre-order your copy by post now, the cost is £7.00 including the postage and packing.   This can be done by e-mailing your request to:  Please make the subject line of your e-mail: ‘Scott Trial 2021 Programme Order’; payment details will be made available by e-mail reply.