Gerald Simpson 2021 – Entries Open

The Gerald Simpson Yorkshire Centre Trial will be held on Sunday May 16th and entries are now open.  A great run out with one big lap of approx. 30 miles and 40 sections.   This is a pre-entry trial limited to 150 and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  There are classes for Expert, Intermediate, Novice on the Hard Course, and Clubman, O40, and O50 on the Clubman Course.

Entries are online via the ACU website and are open for all riders riding for a Yorkshire Centre Club.

Supplementary Regs can be downloaded here :  SupplementaryRegulations_PermitACU60420


RMC Membership and 2020 Extended Memberships

Following some confusion with the ACU online entry system, we have become aware that members who joined RMC via post are not currently showing as RMC members on the ACU website.  This means that they are having difficulty entering our trials online.

To simplify things moving forwards we ask that only members wishing to extend their 2020 paid up membership send their application to us via post.  Please use this membership form (if you haven’t already done so) RMC Membership Form 2021 – UPDATED  We would also ask if anyone wanting to take advantage of this extension could do this by 31st March 2021.

Anyone else wishing to take 2021 membership and be able to enter our trials online should do this via the ACU website.  Membership is £12 for a full year of fantastic trials here in the Yorkshire Dales.

Many thanks for your support with this.


Following a recent RMC meeting, we are very pleased to release our 2021 Provisional Events Calendar, subject to any COVID 19 rules and restrictions at the time of events.                              Richmond Motor Club Provisional Dates 2021
Please note that there will be no Championship points this year.
All trials will be online entries via the ACU website.
As each event gets nearer more information will be available on the website.

Our first trial of the year will be an easy Clubman event on Sunday May 2nd 2021 – at Applegarth for Adult, Clubman, Over 40s, Twinshock. Youth A, B, C, D & E. White Course (harder sections for youth & adult).

Online entries for this trial are now available on the ACU website via the following link:

NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY. Please make sure you read the supplementary regs and additional information.

Please make sure you have renewed both your RMC membership and ACU membership otherwise you will be unable to complete the online entry forms.
(If your RMC membership has carried forward from last year, please note you still need to submit a new membership form for 2021 in order to get your ACU Club Affiliation Code to renew your ACU membership.)

We look forward to welcoming members back to our trials.



We are hoping to publish our provisional list of events for this year shortly. The events will be online entry only. Please make sure you have renewed both your RMC membership and ACU membership otherwise you will be unable to complete the online entry forms.
If your RMC membership has carried forward from last year, please note you still need to submit a new membership form for 2021 in order to get your ACU Club Affiliation Code.


 Last night Richmond Motor Club held the Scott Trial 2021 AGM via Zoom. We are very pleased to announced that (subject to all permissions and the COVID roadmap allowing) we will be holding this year’s Scott on Saturday 16th October 2021.  It will be 30 years since RMC took over the running of the trial.

Plans are already underway to run this iconic event once again, especially following last years cancellation due to COVID.

Regs and  Entries will be launched late July so plenty of time to get the training regime in place!

Save the Date and see you all at the Start Field in October