Just a quick reminder to everyone coming to the Mintex on Sunday and has a trophy from last year. Please don’t forget to bring them with you! Looking forward to seeing you all. Fingers crossed for some fine weather.
Mintex 2018 Programme and Reeth 3 Day Updated Rider List
MINTEX: This year riders will once again have number boards similar to the Scott Trial and Reeth 3 Day which they can take home as a reminder of their day. Riders and Observers will get a copy of the programme in their packs but for anyone not riding or observing you can download and print out a copy of the programme here: Mintex 2018 Programme
We look forward to seeing everyone bright and early on Sunday morning for what we hope will be a great day.
Following some riders dropping out of this year’s trial you can upload an updated copy of the rider and waiting list here: 2018 Reeth 3 Day List of Riders – Updated 13th June 2018
If you can no longer ride will you please let us know asap as there are still 83 people on the waiting list!
Mintex 2018 – Updated Information
With less than a week to go to this year’s Mintex Trophy Trial the draw for rider numbers and start times has now been made. The programme will be finalized in the next couple of days and will be available for all riders in their packs and put on the website at the end of the week.
Once again we a great list of riders from near and far and the Clerk of the Course Nathan Stones is busy with his team marking out this unique Youth Time and Observation Trial which covers some of the Scott Trial territory and runs on the same rules.
This year’s Trial is on Sunday 17th June 2018 and the first rider sets off at 10.30 am and then at 30 second intervals. The start field is just outside Hurst, DL11 7NW. Catering will be available at the start field.
Those of you who have entered should have received your final instructions and rider list via email today. If not then please check your spam folders and contact Chris Wallis on chris.wallis@richmondmotorclub.com
Please come along and support this unique event, held in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales and cheer on this next generation of Scott Riders!
We look forward to seeing you all onSunday.
Mintex Trophy Trial 2018 – Rider list as of today
With just under 2 weeks to go until this years Mintex Youth Time & Observation Trial we would like to dispel the rumors that seem to have been going around that the trial is not going to run due to lack of numbers
Entries have still not closed yet and we have 49 riders to date which is a great number and the trial is DEFINITELY ON!
Please check the list of riders (in alphabetical order – numbers have not yet been drawn) Mintex Entries received to 5th June 2018 to make sure that if you have entered we have received your entry. If you would still like to ride, there are places left so please download an entry form and send it in asap. Mintex Entry Form 2018 Mintex Regs 2018
Keep an eye out on the website for more information and the programme etc. We will be emailing out final instructions to the riders later on next weekend.
If anyone would like to help/observe/marshall, please email chriswallis@richmondmotorclub.com.
Crab Tree Farm Provisional Results 3.6.2018 ACU:53748
Provisional Results for todays trial can be downloaded here: Crabtree Farm 2018
Thank You’s
Richmond Motor Club would like to thank the Landowner, Observers, Caterers, Clerk of the Course and helpers. Thank you to Dave and Paul Astwood for sorting the conducted course, Secretary and anyone else involved in the running of today’s trial. Also thank you to all the riders for entering and taking part today.
Mintex Youth Time & Observation Trial at Hurst 17th June 2018 – Places still available – Pre Entry download and send in your entries asap.
July 8th 2018 – Applegarth Trial, Marske – Easy Clubman/Youth Trial/Small Course
Youth Training School 1st & 2nd August 2018 Cogden Hall, Grinton, send in your application asap.