2017 Membership Due; Youth & Adult Presentation Information & Forthcoming Trial Details

RMC logo GoldRichmond Motor Club 2017 Membership is now due.  Please could you complete and send in your membership forms to our membership secretary Mrs Suffell (01325 378511) as soon as possible.  Please remember that you must have renewed your membership BEFORE you renew/apply for your ACU membership.

RMC Membership Form 2017

For ACU membership please click on our Membership Information useful page for both RMC and ACU forms.

Forthcoming Trials

Eric Ridley Memorial Trial ( Adults/Green/CM/A Class) – Sunday November 2oth at Hurst DL11 7NW.  10.30 am start.  Catering will be available at the start.  Entry form can be downloaded here:  Eric Ridley 2016 Entry Form    CANCELLED

Easy Clubman and Youth Christmas Trial – Saturday 10th December – Kirby Hill .  11.30 am start.  Catering will be available at the start.

Albert Shaw Boxing Day Trial – Monday 26th December – Woodyard Reeth.  10.30 am start.

THIS YEAR WE WILL BE HOLDING OUR YOUTH AND ADULT AWARD PRESENTATIONS ON THE SAME DAY – Sunday 11th December 2016 – at The Comrades Club, Richmond.  Youth Party and Presentation from 3.00pm with Adult Presentation to follow at approx. 6/6.30 pm. – More details to follow very shortly – PUT THE DATE IN YOUR DIARY.



2016 SCOTT TRIAL SOUVENIR PROGRAMMES – we still have a limited number of programmes left if you wish to purchase a clean copy for your collection!

You can order your copy by post, by emailing your request to: scotttrial100@gmail.com (cost: £6.50 including the postage). Please make the subject line: ‘Scott Trial Programme Order’, payment details will be made available.


Scott Trial 2016 Winners & Charity Auction News

Congratulations to all Scott Trial award winners – here are a few photos, courtesy and copyright of John Hulme, Trial Magazine.

Thank you also to everyone who donated items to the Charity Auction – a fantastic amount of just under £2,600 was raised for Scott Charities.  Thank you to all you bidders too!

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