Provisional Trials Information 2025

Download Your 2025

Championship Calendar Here

Please check for all the latest information/results, you are also able to follow RMC on twitter and facebook. in the case of bad weather please check the RMC website and social media prior to traveling to the event.

Each course will have a Championship, riders must ride in at least three rounds to qualify, at the end of the championship points from all rounds count. Riders wishing to ride out of class or in a class that is not their elected RMC Championship class will not be awarded any championship points . Riders may only win awards in one class.

Youth riders wanting to ride up a class must contact the secretary prior to the event to obtain permission from the clerk of the course.

RMC uses the ACU/Sport 80 online system to accept club memberships and take event entries unless otherwise stated on the RMC website. Non-riders wanting to join the club, please complete the hardcopy membership form xxx.

POINTS: 1st-20, 2nd-15, 3rd-12, 4th-10, 5th-9, 6th-8, 7th-7, 8th-6, 9th-5, 10th-4, 11th-3, 12th-2, 13th & all finishers 1

2025 ACU Trials Standing Regulations

2025 Youth Classes and Machine Sizes

RMC Guide To Severity and Classes


Richmond Motor Club Rules

All riders must wear a helmet, have legs covered and wear knee length boots.

Youth riders must have arms covered, wear gloves at all times and this is also recommended for adults.

Youth competitors must be fitted with an operational lanyard cut device rigidly connected to the rider by a lanyard (TSR8).

Richmond Motor Club forbid the wearing of cameras on any part of the body or machine whilst competing.

Riders under 14 must always have a parent or guardian present at the event.

Riders under 16 must have a responsible adult with them who always remains at the event.

Offensive language will not be tolerated and may result in exclusion. Further information on our Safeguarding policy can be found here


All events are held on private land, so we request that all dogs are on leads, leave no litter and do not return to any of the land at any time. The future of trials depends on this.

Secretary-Sandra Fowler: Tel-01969 624146

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